
At Titan, we ARE a team specialising in providing the strongest and most refined range of classroom furniture to customers worldwide.

We understand the importance of comfort in educational environments, as it plays a crucial role in improving concentration and a student's ability to learn. That's why we strive to ensure that our furniture is not only durable and supportive, but also appropriate for all learning spaces. In fact, we were the first UK manufacturer and distributor to meet British ergonomic standards set by the technical committee for Europe.

We recognise that tailoring education to an individual's specific needs is one of the biggest challenges in the industry. One way we tackle this is by designing our furniture to be as flexible as possible, creating a learning environment that adapts to every student's unique requirements.

At the heart of our company's values is a people-first approach. We believe in authenticity, trust, and accountability, which fosters a positive work environment and allows us to deliver the best results for our clients. We collaborate with our co-workers and clients, valuing each other's ideas and skills, and always strive to do the right thing. With a team of talented individuals, we take pride in creating the finest education furniture on the market.

Titan Furniture is a distinguished brand that proudly bears the distinction of being a registered trademark of TC Group. Recognised and safeguarded under the official registration number UK00003901536, Titan Furniture epitomises quality, innovation, and excellence in the world of furniture design and manufacturing. This trademark symbolises our commitment to providing exceptional furniture solutions and serves as a testament to our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of craftsmanship and design. When you choose Titan Furniture, you are not only selecting premium furnishings but also investing in a brand that is legally protected and synonymous with superior quality.